— Star Wars – Tie Fighter —

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Realisation of the Tie Fighter from Star WarsStarwars, Tie Fighter,The most beautiful paper models


The files are adapted from “GRW 1962” May the 4th – May the force



Paper model; Papercraft; Maquette en papier; Maquette en carton; comment faire; how to; diy; star wars; Les plus belles maquettes en papier; real size; Pagode en papier; Temple Japonais; pagode Japonaise; japanese Pagoda; tie fighter, electronics led,command led; pic
Star Wars Tie Fighter

Mass-produced, the TIE/ln is the Empire’s basic fighter. Built to be the most agile and fastest fighter of its time, it has no shields, life support systems, or hyperdrives, and features light weaponry. Despite these deficiencies, the TIE fighter meets the threat of the era’s rebel fighter, the Y-wing.

But the arrival of more advanced fighters, such as the X-wing or the A-wing, put an end to this outdated fighter. To maintain mastery of space, Imperial pilots must then change their tactics and adapt them to combat against ships more powerful and resistant than the TIE/ln. Their only option will always be to fight outnumbered, so as to overwhelm the opponent under numbers.

(Chasseur TIE – TIE Fighter (VO) – Encyclopédie Star Wars HoloNet (starwars-holonet.com) Excerpt from this very interesting page for Starwars enthusiasts… 

To download the files it’s here…

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Go see the Making Off page of the construction of this magnificent machine of Fichier:Star Wars logo.jpg — Wikipédia

Click on the link— TIE FIGTER : Making Off off the construction—