— For the little ones and their parents —

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Paper model; Papercraft; maquette en papier; Home made; pour les nuls

Do not be a child psychiatrist…! Jeux d’enfants


jeux d'enfants; papercaraft; paper model; maquette en papier; maquette en carton

I am not a child psychiatrist, but I always observe what is going on around me … I have noticed that the manual movement of many of our children has a serious tendency to retreat. Several articles  report that regularly. For example: the decline in the quality of children’s writing. It is not by manipulating video game controllers, playing on tablets or staying in front of uninteresting screens that they reinforce their manual gymnastics. Jeux d’enfants

The paper model can, for its part, remedy it. Not only will she work on manual agility, but on a lot of other things, especially if parents share this occupation.


jeux d'enfants; papercaraft; paper model; maquette en papier; maquette en carton

Below I publish some extracts of articles borrowed on the net. These are interesting articles and above all better written than what I could do.

You will also find a series of free templates to download to start right away to see if your kids are showing some interest : — Free Downloads reserved for kids

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are looking for other themes or other objects to build. It will be easier to ask me with a small message on my page : — Contact —  than to search them on the net (I already have more than a thousand).


Send me by mail the photos of the realization of your toddlers, I will edit them with pleasure on my site. Jeux d’enfants



5 good reasons to offer manual activities to your child

jeux d'enfants; papercaraft; paper model; maquette en papier; maquette en carton

Do a manual activity to develop creativity

To create, to make, to be guided by his imagination, to allow the child to know this sensation of accomplishment from the youngest age. Creativity makes you feel full. Full of potential that only needs to be conquered, approached but never tamed. It is opening a window on infinity. By absorbing this freedom, the child will be able to flourish and build itself serenely.

Help with concentration

Working with the hand and mind simultaneously allows the child to fully return to a state of concentration. This concentration will allow the child to pose and will help him to conduct an inner reflection.

Memorize and Understand

Manual activities can be carried out for pedagogical purposes. Draw a flower or tree, model a snail or a hedgehog. All the means that will allow the child to inject things into his mind, to represent concretely the idea that he makes of them.

And as we have seen a little earlier, all this work will leave a trace to the child. A trace of his “work”. Even if this is not the primary interest, it is a way for him to appreciate his own evolution by contemplating the work already done. He will then be able to withdraw from valorization by observing the refinement and the precision of his works over time

Making sensory discoveries

The variety of supports and tools that can be used to carry out manual activities is such that the possibility of making sensory discoveries is immense. Provide the child with different mixing media so that he may imbibe textures, offer him different drawing tools so that he appreciates the renderings. All this with the aim of appropriating techniques, ways of doing, feeling, feeling and appreciating. It is also learning how to set up different working techniques depending on the medium used.

Manage the emotions.

Manual activities are often an outlet for the emotional “overflow” of the child. The manual activities channel the energy through the discharge and the feeling of escape that they provide and lead to a return to calm by the concentration that they require.

Translated from : “ww.famille-epanouie.fr/activite-manuelle/

Carrying out manual activities with his child ! Jeux d’enfants

jeux d'enfants; papercaraft; paper model; maquette en papier; maquette en cartonSpecialists agree that spending time and playing with your child, even if only 10 minutes a day, would be beneficial to develop your complicity and enrich your ties. Giving time to the children’s games would make it possible to show that you attach importance to it. Jeux d’enfants

The goal of sharing manual activities with her child is to spend a friendly time with him. Even if the game has a learning goal, it is necessary to always put fun at the forefront and not pass this activity on as a constraint.

This is why it is important to carry out manual activities, or not, with his child to allow to share an “exclusive time” while giving him access to many learning. But some principles are still to be respected.


A manual activity, yes, but in good conditions. Jeux d’enfants

For a manual activity succeeds with his child, it is important to respect a few rules of conduct that will make the happiness of each one. Here are a few :

  • A manual activity, you will propose ! Impose it you will not do.
  • Diversity of manual activities you suggest: The enthusiasm of the child will be born!
  • To intervene as little as possible you will institute!
  • Even if the force is in youThe activity you will not impose : Each child has his preferences and areas of predilection.
  • A moment of pleasure with the child you will pass!
  • A moment of the day you will advise: It will depend on the age of the child and the type of activity chosen.

Manual activity must respect rules. Jeux d’enfants

 In order to offer his child the manual activity in the best conditions, it is important to respect a few rules of practice that will facilitate its management:
The organization : It is important for both you and the child to determine a place and the equipment needed to make this manual activity a success while providing a safe environment for your child.
Comfort : In order for each one of you to take pleasure in the realization of the manual activity, it is wise to provide the necessary for its proper functioning.
Pleasure : You, the parent, should take as much pleasure in carrying out this manual activity to promote the child’s learning and not show him that this is a chore.
The observation : You, the parent, can guide the child or help him (if he asks) without ever doing it in his place.

jeux d'enfants; papercaraft; paper model; maquette en papier; maquette en cartonManual activity with his child requires real project management. Jeux d’enfants

It is true that you are not at work and that when you leave, you want to escape from the daily management of your projects. But having a child remains a profession, and even the best job in the world, even if you do not win a kopeck. If you wish, you are left to discover this touching video baptized : « The most difficult job in the world»


To carry out the manual activity with your child, it is important to organize it :

Before manual activity : Jeux d’enfants

• Reflect on the manual activities to be proposed (remember, we propose, we do not impose).
• Prepare and install the workspace and hardware to evolve in a secure environment.
• Welcome the child: it remains the masterpiece.
• Propose the activities, present them and record them for its proper realization.

During manual activity: Jeux d’enfants

     • Check that the child is constantly evolving in a safe and comfortable environment.

     • Do not hesitate to discuss, guide and encourage the child.

     • Observe the reactions of the child in order to refer him if it does not work.


After manual activity : Jeux d’enfants

  • • Store the equipment with the child.

    • Re-establish a calm time.

    • Valorize the child’s creation with compliments and exposure of his / her work


Translated fromwww.family-facility.com/activites-manuelles-enfant/

Creative activities children from 3 to 7 years

Creativity can make children happier : Jeux d’enfants

exprimer des émotions à travers des activités créatives et manuelles peut aider les enfants, et les adultes, à se sentir plus calmes et plus heureux. Cela peut être un grand débouché pour que les enfants puissent passer à travers tous les problèmes. Jeux d’enfants

Creative activities are ideal for child development : Jeux d’enfants

le bricolage et l’art offrent beaucoup de choses à faire avec les enfants qui leur permettront de mettre en pratique des compétences importantes, telles que la coordination, la motricité fine et la compréhension des formes et des couleurs.

jeux d'enfants; papercaraft; paper model; maquette en papier; maquette en carton

Focusing on creative activities builds patience : Jeux d’enfants

Following instructions and learning to use complex techniques to finish an activity can help children become more patient, especially with tasks that they find difficult to master, or long projects that require a lot of effort to complete them .

 Activities for children on a creative basis can help your child in school : Jeux d’enfants

Arts, crafts and handicrafts for children will not only help them on art subjects in school, but also on a wide range of other topics. Many manual and creative activities need children to count, make measurements or geometry, which will also serve them for math classes. While projects inspired by classroom topics such as English and history can help your child understand and remember what he or she learns in the classroom.

 Manual and creative activities can inspire interest in the world around them : Jeux d’enfants

Manual and artistic projects can help children explore different cultures and ideas by making them see the world in a new way. Whether they develop an interest in science and nature when working on a craft project involving leaves and flowers in a hurry, or a love for history after using motifs inspired by a visit to a museum, they Will learn to look around and think about what they see.

Learning to live in a visual world : Jeux d’enfants

The manual activities that stimulate the visual learning will give skills to the children who will become increasingly important. The information we receive at school, at work, or during our leisure time, is more and more likely to be presented visually (just look on the Internet where more and more information is Delivered in video).

Manual activities give you a lot to do with children : Jeux d’enfants

 As parents, we are always looking for things to do with children that will allow us to enjoy quality time together, or to keep them busy on a rainy day. The manual and creative activities for children are ideal and the possibilities are endless!

Doing something can be very rewarding : Jeux d’enfants

When your child finishes a creative project, they worked hard, he could have a great sense of pride and accomplishment, which will boost his self-esteem in a very healthy way. He might even realize an object that he can keep or offer.


Translated fromwww.jeuxetcompagnie.fr/activites-creatives-enfants-de-3-a-7-ans