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A composition based on the “Statue of Liberty Les plus belles maquettes en papier; predator paper model; modele en papier predator, staue de la liberté en papier
During Sandrine Corman’s program on “a-votre-service“, I heard the call of a father who was looking
for his daughter an original decoration for her room. She loves the United States of America…
I remembered that in my boxes I had started the manufacture of the Statue of Liberty published by the site “Etsy”.
I told myself that the opportunity was too good not to relaunch myself in the project… “Liberty Enlightening the World” especially
since the file was paying and the small partial model was fallow…
So I decided to react to the show and attack.
I enlarged the basic template,I redesigned everything and I imagined and created the “Stars and Stripes” that would become its case…Les plus belles maquettes en papier; predator paper model; modele en papier predator; Statue de la liberté en
; predator paper model; modele en papier predator; pagode Japonaise; japanese Pagoda; tie fighter, electronics led,command led; pic
The source is an “Etsy” file downloadable against payment like all their templates…
The Statue of Liberty or Liberty Enlightening the World, or simply Liberty, better known as the Statue of Liberty, is one of the most famous landmarks in the United States. This monumental statue is located in New York, on Liberty Island, south of Manhattan, at the mouth of the Hudson and near Ellis Island. For more details see the Wikipedia page… it is very complete… To Wikipedia.
Go see the Making Off page of the construction of this magnificent composition based on the “Statue of Liberty”…
Model Data Sheet :
1 month of work, 87 hours.
Total height : 70,08 inches
Statue Height : 50,00 inches
Flag size : 62,20 x 33,07 inches
# pages A4 for the statue : 37 pages
# pages A4 for the flag : 27 pages
# pieces for the statue : 550 pièces
# pieces for the flag : 72 pièces
Pages printed on White paper 5,64onces
Supplies :
- A4 paper White 5,64onces bought from “AVA” : 45 sheets
- A4 paper Red 5,64onces bought from “AVA” : 10 sheets
gold leaves : 8 sheets
Cutter blades (my favorites) : 9 blades
pot of wood glue : 1x 26,46onces
Toothpicks and sticks for the ears : 24 of the first onesh and 18 of the other