— Examples of “Pepakura” files —

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We have just seen how to use the program “Pepakura Viewer” and I find it interesting to see why it comes back so often in paper modeling.

This program is made to deploy 3D drawings, so to move from 3D to 2D. It is based on the principle of « Low Poly » drawings. This principle is the very basis for any video game creator, this principle is used to create all the characters, the objects, the sets of games … So, it’s super exploited.

This is why we find on the internet a lot of drawings of super heroes, characters from the heroic fantasy, cartoon, comics, … recovered by the program Pepakura and offered to our pleasure of DIY.

I’m giving you a series of templates to download. Make your choice, there are easy, very complicated, small or big, do not hesitate I have all gleaned them on the net just for you.

If you have difficulties or have any questions, please let me know …

These templates are downloadable for free but can only be used for your personal use and they can not be used, under any circumstances, for commercial purposes.