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 – Paper model (Papercraft) – DIY papercraft


How to browse my site?  Diy papercraft

What is it about? Diy papercraft

How to? Dy papercraft

Papercraft; papermodel; modèle en papier; how to; Home made; real size; Diy papercraft; Navette spatiale

Why is paper modeling exciting?

The paper model (PaperCraft) is a discipline that I like to include in Modeling with a large “M”.

I would like, through my site, to give you the desire to interest you… DIY papercraft

Seeing a completely flat sheet turn into a 3D object is an extraordinary experience. Inexpensive, easy or super complicated depending on the chosen model. It also gives the possibility to create beautiful models by yourself.


If you want to know how to do, go see my pages :

— A little bit technics —

Where to find and how to create models

My favorite places on the net —


If you want to have a preview, or take up a challenge go see my other pages :

— The challenge… —

— My first steps —


The templates are ready, become the owner of a key piece of construction in paper…

Templates for you in PNG or PDF format which will allow the construction of the “Grand Place” of Brussels… 

More than 100 boards and more than 1000 parts for a complete creation in two formats: 1/303 or 1/200…Brussels Belgium Grand Place

 Hours of pleasure… Click here if You want to see what I prepared for You… If you are interested, write to me

— Grand Place of Brussels – Papercraft —








Grand-Place Brussels, Grote Markt Brussels, Brussels Town, Hall Maison du Roi, Brussels UNESCO World Heritage, Brussels History of Grand-Place, Historic Market Brussels Guilds on Grand-Place, Baroque architecture in Brussels, Events on Grand-Place Brussels, Grote Markt Brussel, Stadhuis Brussel, Broodhuis Brussel, UNESCO Werelderfgoed, Brussel Geschiedenis van de Grote Markt, Historische Markt Brussel, Gilden op de Grote Markt, Barok architectuur in Brussel, Evenementen op de Grote Markt Brussel, Grand-Place de Bruxelle,s La Grand-Place (Grote Markt), Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles, Maison du Roi Bruxelles, Patrimoine mondial UNESCO, Bruxelles Histoire de la Grand-Place, Marché historique de Bruxelles, Guildes sur la Grand-Place, Architecture baroque à Bruxelles, Événements sur la Grand-Place de Bruxelles

                                                                                                     You will also find some achievements with detailed “Making off”.

                                                                                               Achievements mixing existing files, new drawings, electronic achievementsMay the 4th – May the force


— Pagoda (Canon Architecture)—

Pagode paper model; Tie Fighter modèle en papier; Predator modèle en papier; Statue of Liberty paper model; Stars and Stripes paper model

— Star Wars – Tie Fighter —

Pagode paper model; Tie Fighter modèle en papier; Predator modèle en papier; Statue of Liberty paper model; Stars and Stripes paper model

— Predator Paper Model —

Pagode paper model; Tie Fighter modèle en papier; Predator modèle en papier; Statue of Liberty paper model; Stars and Stripes paper model

— Statue of Liberty —

Pagode paper model; Tie Fighter modèle en papier; Predator modèle en papier; Statue of Liberty paper model; Stars and Stripes paper model
On my page — Contact — you will find a form to contact me or my email address, do not hesitate,…! 


Why is paper modeling a benefit for children, how it works? DIY papercraft

If you have children, I invite you to join my page dedicated to them. The children seem to be increasingly suffering from manual motor disorders. I am convinced that paper modeling can become a solution to bring them back to manual games … too often abandoned today. Simply have a printer, scissors and glue to make very simple models...

It is more of an ideal discipline to share between parents and children… Print the models, help them to cut them and they will be happy to assemble them. Realizing superb models together will bring you a lot of happiness …

Download free simple models on my page : For the little ones and their parents


A late discovery… DIY papercraft

After years of making plastic models, wooden models, models of wood and metal, I discovered an unknown universe :

the paper model.

Star wars; Papercraft; papermodel; modèle en papier; how to; Home made; real size; Diy papercraft; Maître Yoda

DrawingDIY papercraft

At the beginning, I always loved drawing… Drawing in all its forms I was passionate, pencil, dry pastels, painting, technical drawing, architecture drawing, etc… I went from Drawing table to computer – assisted drawing. The paper modeling allowed me to create a bridge between my two passions.


From construction to conceptionDIY papercraft

After doing my first steps in making models found on the net, I wanted to exploit, more fully, all the possibilities of paper modeling by creating personal models. The drawing made its entry into the race.


Thanks to my sponsor